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Sponsor Process...
So tell me how this works…its simple
Complete the sponsor application form by someone on behalf of the club, an individual team manager will suffice. All boxes must be completed, this allows us to contact your sponsor and obtain his/her corporate artwork to design the football on your behalf for them.
Hit the submit button. We will email the sponsor upon receipt.
Once we receive the artwork the design process will commence.
Upon completion the design is then submitted initially to the club contact to get their feedback.
The design is then forwarded to the sponsor for their approval.
Providing everyone is happy we proceed to manufacture. Well folks that’s it…its simple, we do the hard bit on your behalf providing a bespoke ball for your sponsor in recognition of their support.

"Really love this, our sponsor will be delighted. It's bloody amazing. Thank you!
Sponsor Request Form...

Please note, if any email links do not work with your email system, just copy and paste our email address.
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